Saturday, August 11, 2012


In the space colony of New Wales, pirate attacks are both relentless and merciless.

When Jabin, having lost both his parents, surrenders himself to a pirate raiding party to save a friend, he does so in the belief that nothing can be worse than his current suffering.  However, he is soon to discover that things can always get worse when the stakes are high, the rewards are vast and slave labour is there for the taking.

With the colony threatening to collapse into anarchy, leaving the pirates free reign to mutilate, kill and profit at will, a regiment of guards is sent out from Earth to fight back, and Jabin could have a vital part to play in the ensuing war if he can only stay alive.

About the Author
Bev Allen lives in Newbury in Berkshire and fell in love with her first soldier outside Buckingham Palace.  He was a Coldstream on guard and she was four.
Later she fell in love with reading and writing and then with science fiction and tales of high adventure.

Later still she married a military historian and he conducted her on guided lecture tours around many a battlefield and many a museum.
Despite this, or maybe because of it, she never lost her love of all things military or of adventure stories - Jabin and the Space Pirates is a result of all this.

Published by Taylor Street Publishing http//
Paperback: 294 pages.  £8.99 hard copy or £0.77p kindle download.
ISBN-10: 1477578919
ISBN-13: 978-1477578919
 Review copies/contact the Author
Bev Allen
(Please, put "Jabin" in the subject box.)  

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